November 28, 2007


I just buried my puppy.

One of our dogs died tonight. Vothanak, Rachha and I went out into the back yard with a shovel and a flash light and made a big hole. It's now filled. It's also right outside my bedroom.


We don't think Sheba will make it through the night either. It's so sad. The dog that died tonight left behind a brother. He's healthy and running around. But we might be short two dogs by morning. I have no idea why they died. They were sick this morning, and by tonight one was dead.


On a happier note - my birthday is almost upon us!!


I expect all of you at home to get together this weekend and celebrate my birthday together.

I'm not kidding.

For me, I am actually going to a 5 year olds birthday party on Sunday. We have the same birthday. It's our principal's son's birthday, who is also one of my students. His name is Pun Lou. And Vothanak is Pun Lou's uncle. We're all tightly knit here at SLM. So I'll be celebrating my birthday on Saturday. I plan on going for a walk with Kong up the mountain behind our house, then maybe a little swim in the ocean. In the evening my students are planning something for me. All I know is that I need to be home around 6-6:30pm.

I'm pumped!

1 comment:

N.J. said...

Happy Birthday Bri! How cool am I. I bet I'm the only one greeting you HBD on your blog. Facebook can die.