November 13, 2007

Remember how I said I can get into trouble sometimes?

I’m in big trouble.

I forgot to renew my Visa. I am illegal. It was up as of Sunday and I didn’t even realize it.

Tomorrow I am going to Phnom Penh to meet the Secretary of State, Siphan Phay. Jonah pulled some strings for me and he will pull some weight around there to reduce my fine and make sure
I get a 1 year working Visa.
Shoot. I feel terrible. I can’t believe I forgot. I never forget! I never write things down because I almost never forget. But I suppose I’m also usually in my element. My own playing field. I’m totally unprepared here. Tongpang is going to escort me. I’m sure he doesn’t want to go. We both have to miss morning school. Probably evening classes too.


Please pray for me.

Ok, so it's much later in the day now. Almost midnight actually. First thing tomorrow morning Tongpang and I are heading out to Phnom Penh. Our bus leaves at 7:10am. I think it's about a 4 hour drive. Jonah has arranged it so that when I get there I will be meeting the Secretary of State. He's going to either come with me or write me a letter to make sure I get the right Visa and hopefully reduce my fine.
I'm kind of scared. I shouldn't be. But I am.
What was it that I preached about two days ago...?


philter said...

wow, i can't believe you forgot. I forgot to get Emma to do her homework this weekend. I am sure it will be fine, nothing like a wake up call like that eh! Thanks for blogging your time there.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bree!! did you get your visa? how did you make out? Love reading your blog :) Lianne- American Express/ Portage Place

Bri said...

Hey Lianne!!! Yeah, I mean, I think so. It's going to be delivered to the school where I live, so as long as it shows up next week I'll be fine!

I'm glad your reading my blog!! Stay in touch! Let me know how you're doing! And Jim!!! How is Jim?!

Trevor said...

Glad to hear that things worked must be important - meeting with the Secretary of State and all. Loving to read the stories of life in Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

HI Bree, thought tou might like greetings from Winterpeg, it is 30 below and 20 cen. off snow is expected Saturday, but after reading some off your blog, i thank Jesusfor the cold,I am Phils mum ANN Cunningham