December 12, 2007

Much has happened since my last entry. I don’t even know where to begin. Umm, I guess I’ll begin with my sickness.

I was sick.

I came down with a nasty flu last week. It came upon me Thursday evening right after I went to Kong’s fathers 7th day party. I came back to the school to teach my classes, and half way through the 6:30 class, I felt very hot and weak. Then I became very disoriented and confused. I had a high fever. I had a headache. My body screamed at me in pain. My skin was very sensitive and sore, while my muscles and joints felt like an extreme case of arthritis. My head felt like a balloon and I had trouble speaking to anyone. Tongpang covered my last class for me and I went to bed feeling terrible. I awoke in the morning feeling a bit better, but not well enough to teach class. I spent the day in bed drifting in and out of sleep. I felt pretty ok, fever was down, I had a little bit of strength. That was until around the exact same time Friday evening. It hit me again but this time it was even worse. My body was so extremely hot, it hurt to touch the skin on my stomach or back it was so hot, my face was on fire but I was shivering, I was under blankets in this plus 30 degree weather. I also had the pleasure of almost no sleep because I was hit with some bad diarrhea . I was up running to the bathroom every15-30 minutes from 1:30am until about 7-8am. It was terrible. I was also sweating excessively. I had all the symptoms of malaria. I was scared. Very scared. Jonah told me that I had to go to the hospital that night if I wasn’t feeling much better. One of my biggest fears is getting seriously sick in Cambodia. The hospitals here are terrible. People in Canada should never complain about our health care system. I cried Friday night when I was trying to go to sleep, and I called out to God for some serious healing here if it was indeed malaria. Kong also told me about someone in his school who had some type of fever with all the same symptoms I had, and he died. I was beyond scared.

After a few days I felt better and I didn’t go to the hospital (praise God!!). Now a few more days later and I’m coming down with a cold. I can’t believe how sick I get here. It’s ridiculous!!! I am never this sick! Ugh.

Now, fast forward a couple days and I received the most amazing blessing!! I received TWO packages from home on the same day!! One from my mom, and the other from Nick (and many other friends). I am terribly home sick right now, getting the packages was such a joy! There was a card in Nick’s package from people from my church and a bunch of small notes.

I cried like a child. It was beautiful.

As I was opening the packages Jonah came into the room to tell me something. He told me he just got off the phone with the Secretary of State and he had some good news and some bad news.

I knew what it was before he even said it.

It turns out he couldn’t get me the one year visa. Instead, he is travelling to Ko Kong this weekend and I am to travel with him. It’s a 4 ½ hour boat ride from Sihanoukville, and once I get there I have to go a little farther on land to the Thai boarder.

Yep. I’m going to Thailand.

Here’s the kicker: I’m only going for a few minutes!!

I’m just supposed to get the stamps saying I left the country and come back in to get my business one year Visa.


I do however, have the option of staying in Thailand for a few nights alone. I’m brave, but I’m not sure if I’m that brave (or stupid) to do that. I will however see if I can stay in Thailand for a few hours, maybe even spend the night. I don’t want to make that journey in one day. Who knows, the boats might not even run that late in the day for me to get home. Plus, if I stay for a few nights it will cost me at least $100. Probably more knowing me.

Please pray, this is all very nerve racking. I’m still weak from my flu, I am supposed to preach on Sunday, and need to write my sermon still, and I have to create the final exam for my English students this week. I am supposed to go to Crocodile Hole Village for some ceremony stuff, and Phi Run specifically asked me out for Saturday evening. We have not spent any time together in a several weeks. I was really looking forward to going out with him. He always takes me to the best hidden little places in Kompot Som (Which is the Khmer name for Sihanoukville). Oh, and I think Alila is coming to SLM this weekend to stay for about a month, and she’s staying in my room. I still have to clean out half of the wardrobe and dresser and get everything ready.

It’s already Wednesday.


It’s ok though. I’ve been incredibly bored and restless lately, so now I have non-stop excitement, right? This is good, right?



Q&L said...

wow Brianne, praying, praying, praying for you. You will and are having real Cambodian experiences. I'm sad that you have to go thru some of those trials, and I don't know how it fully impacts you, but its a stark reminder to me(and others), of the realities outside of our country. Thanks Bri.

philter said...

im glad your feeling better. i wonder if you had dange fever. that is like malaria, but it wont kill ya, it just makes you want death. hang in there and enjoy thailad